Be Young, Wild & Free

The Springtime Season of Skincare

Each season, our bodies adjust to the changes in the air, the earth and the corresponding elements. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM) springtime is the season where we must nourish the liver, so that it may balance our ‘heat’, or ‘fire’ as our bodies adjust from the cold of the winter. What this means for our skin is that we may experience an excessive, or new ‘heat’ in our complexion. This can present itself as redness, dryness, excessive oil or a combination or variation of these symptoms, and this needs to be corrected through managing the food we eat, the liquids that we drink, and supporting the seasonal change using herbs as teas, tinctures, and in the topical application of skincare.

We can assist our bodies in this seasonal transition by not only hydrating by ensuring we are drinking enough water, but also by increasing our antioxidant support of the liver through healthy foods and teas like berries, artichokes, kale and green tea (amongst others). Antioxidant support can help to prevent excess ‘heat’ from the liver, along with managing our daily stresses. If the liver is balanced, then we can help prevent the skin from the common seasonal reaction of ‘heat’.

Our Isola skincare products are infused with herbs which can help balance the organs of the body by balancing the heat and cool of firstly the skin through the application directly onto the skin, and then further into the body as the oils are infused into the body through the skin.

All of our Isola skincare products are low comedogenic, and the new Isola Ballerina products are non-comedogenic, which means that they are perfect if you have extremely sensitive skin. We love the Isola Ballerina new recipe for our Nude Lips lip butter too! These products are also rich in antioxidants from ethically harvested and naturally grown chaga, Pacific Coast sea kelp (Macro kelp), home-grown rosemary, calendula, hibiscus flower, and ethically harvested wild rose and rosehips, to name a few!

At Isola Herbals, we’ve been busy in the greenhouse over the last few weeks preparing for our herbs to begin blossoming! Our greenhouse usually runs from February until November, but this year February brought extremely cold temperatures, with the wind chill it was colder than -45 degrees Celsius (-49 degree Fahrenheit!!). As you can imagine, this put a damper not only on the greenhouse progress, but on everything else in our province for more than two weeks!

We are ecstatic that half of our seed planting is complete now, and we’ll be planting more each weekend until May so that we can have a staggered harvest through the coming seasons. This means that we’ll have a new exciting summertime healing, herbal skincare product for you made with fresh herbs just in time for our favourite season! Be sure to subscribe to our VIP newsletter (Very Island-Inspired People!) to be the first to access our limited edition summertime products!

We move our more sensitive perennials into the greenhouse for the winter, and then move them back outside for the spring and summer months!
Our Isola Greenhouse in the works for 2021!

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