Be Young, Wild & Free

Traditional Thoughts on Staying Young

Its springtime! I can’t help but be excited for the coming warm weather and long, sunny days. As the winter weather was terribly aggressive, I spent much of my time indoors working on my studies in Iridology, and furthering my education as a future Clinical Herbalist. Its been humbling, learning all of the ways that our bodies work to stay in balance, and inspiring for me as Isola Herbals grows and our recipes continue to align with traditional theories on looking youthful and being healthy… (continued below)

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Isola Herbals is all about finding the Fountain of Youth, which includes living a healthy life, using plant medicine for its youth-infusing qualities, and having skincare and haircare products to use every day that make us smile. Helping our bodies and minds to stay in balance with each other and with the world around us is a full-time job!

In my research and my personal path to health and longevity, I’ve noticed a few things about people who look ageless: they have long, healthy hair, a healthy body shape, and most importantly, their eyes twinkle. The clarity and sparkle of the eyes is something that surpasses all of a persons physical qualities, and it truly comes from the inside out.

In Iridology, we look at the iris as a map of the body. It shows us the organs, tissues and bones, and their current and past state of health. At any point in time, our bodies are working to balance themselves against internal and external influences. Perhaps the most important bodily function is that of the digestive tract, where it determines nourishing, vital materials and separates them from waste materials. If our digestive tract is out of balance, we often see toxicity showing in the iris through a discolouration in the stomach region of the iris map.

The skin is another highly important organ of the body, as it helps to rid the body of toxins alongside the digestive tract. If the body is balancing well, and the skin is in a healthy state, it can perform its duties proficiently. We believe that using natural products on the skin not only helps the body as a whole to function in a healthy manner, but also adds the benefit of clarity, confidence and beauty.

We use only natural and organic ingredients with no chemical preservatives, no perfumes and no harsh acids. We use real plants in our products; plants that we grow ourselves at home in the beautiful prairies of Alberta. We purchase sustainably harvested sea kelp from the sweet ocean waters off of Vancouver Island, here in Canada, and we let the sea kelp, alongside our balancing herbs infuse in beautiful, non-greasy oils. The results of our infusions are our Isola Herbals skincare and haircare products: perfect for every skin type, and full of anti-oxidants to help our skin to function optimally with our bodies.

Shop our Isola Herbals products today, and be sure to stay tuned to our website, Instagram, Facebook and these VIP newsletters as I begin to take on clients for my Iridology practice!

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